The Modern Spartan is the perfect alter ego for me. The Webster’s Dictionary definition of the noun spartan is “a person of great courage and self-discipline.” Well, now you don’t think I’m very narcissistic do you? Great! I knew you would agree! However, the adjective of spartan hits more to the gist and purpose of the website “marked by simplicity, frugality or avoidance of luxury and comfort.”

Wait… isn’t the point of becoming financially free, so you can live in comfort and with infinitely pompous luxuries like the Great Gatsby?

Hey, shoot for the moon if you have the means do it, but for most of us the route to financial independence will be a grind based on determination, self-discipline, moderate amounts of intelligence, hard-work, organization, confidence and most importantly the ability take action.

Analysis paralysis is the death of uncountable fortunes and innovations.

Well, now to get a little behind the scenes about my life.

I’m a regular guy who grew up in the midwest with simple pleasures. I like sports, beer, traveling to cool places, animals, coffee, hitting the gym, hiking, biking, paddle boarding, sport shooting… hell, basically anything outside…. and I also like a lot of insignificant pop culture nerdy crap like Star Wars, Game of Thrones and Tom Clancy novels. Oh yeah, above all else, I love my wife, my future baby (expecting Feb., 2020) and my pets.

I have a relatively standard background with a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree that have nothing to do with my current profession, which is running a small construction company. I have a below average salary for my position, but have many perks that include commission based upon the company’s performance. Incentive based rewards are a great motivator and if you are in the B or I quadrant (we will get into it in the blog if you don’t get the reference), I highly recommend instituting them in your own businesses.

My wife and I together own three businesses, with a fourth in the works. The good life doesn’t come easy, but while my high school and college friends blow all their money partying, leasing expensive cars beyond their means, consuming to Edward Norton pre-Fight Club levels and eating $20 dumplings at tapas joints; I own two investment properties, paid off nearly $100k in student loans in less than 5 years, have at least another $100k in stocks and index funds and by my calculations, if I bust ass, it’s possible I will retire by the age of 40, while my friends will be working until they are 75.

The Modern spartan Mission

If nothing else, I’m transparent, so let me be a little selfish here in telling you my number one reason for building this website is in case I bite the dust before my unborn baby can siphon off my non-useless knowledge about the world.

I do have a background in education though and would be remiss to forgo the opportunity to pass on my knowledge to other thirsty individuals.

This knowledge and my writings will focus not just on the quest to achieve financial independence, but also on how to live a healthy and nutritious lifestyle, how to build muscle, cut fat and motivate your ass to kick it in the gym on a regular basis. Also, how to build confidence in the gym, in the work place and in life. How to start a business, build a viable business model, build and organize business systems and how to grow at a steady, maintainable rate. Among other things, you will get some good advice and likely learn some neat tips and tricks on how to succeed in the workplace, in your side hustle, in the gym, in socializing with others (even the other gender) and in how to appreciate what you have and give back in a meaningful way.

The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way.
— Robert Kiyosaki

What the modern spartan mindset has helped me Achieve:

  • Paid off nearly $100,000 of debt in less than five years (2018).

  • Purchased two properties where I live in South Florida while paying off this debt.

  • Continued my education post-university helping me start new businesses, expand existing businesses, gain certifications and state licenses and learn new, helpful skills in addition to maintaining the best physical and mental shape of my life.

  • Donated more than ten thousand dollars to Make-A-Wish, Bahamas hurricane relief and local animal shelters in 2019.