Investment Moves Made from Oct. 2022 - March 2023

Again, it has been some time since my last post with much and more going on. Since my last post, my wife and I have had our third child, a beautiful, healthy girl, we moved our company and I have been establishing business relationships in a new territory with the goal of expanding my business. I also, bought out my business partner who is retired and now own the construction business 100%, while opening another construction business with a couple of trusted partners.

The stock market has been rebounding and I may have made more money had I sold and bought back, but with how busy I have been in the business world, I have not had as much time to track the stock market so my strategy is to hold firm in my investments.

When I invest, I invest long - not for short profit, so I’m just hanging out riding the roller coast and trying my best not to let the down trends affect my emotions (or my emotions affect my trading).

The stock market is historically up about 10% y/y and I’m going to let historical long-term market trends make my decision making for me, rather than short-term emotions. Stay the course people.

3/25/22 - BUY 1 share of PYPL @ $113.60

3/25/22 - BUY $25 of SE, $20 of TSM, $50 of PYPL, $5 of ETH, $5 of BTC

4/12/22 - BUY 2 shares of SE @ $113.05 (Roth IRA)

4/12/22 - BUY 2 shares of PYPL @ $111.48 (Roth IRA)

4/12/22 - BUY 2 shares of NVDA @ $219.81 (Roth IRA)

4/12/22 - BUY 1 share of AAPL @ $168.74 (Roth IRA)

4/18/22 - BUY $50 of SE, $50 of PYPL, $50 of COST, $30 of LRCX, $30 of MSFT, $20 of ETH, $20 of BTC, $10 of AAPL, $10 of MSFT

4/19/22 - BUY $500 of VIGAX (3.6 shares @ $138.90)

4/20/22 - SOLD Rental Townhouse for $399,000 (Details: I made a cash deal direct with the buyer, no realtors after a phone call from a lead in the community. I had purchased this property in Aug. 2016 for $305,000. We had lived in this property 2 / 5 years, so we qualify to pay no capital gains tax on this transaction). New buyer assumed our rental contract, which was not cash flowing due to increased HOA fees and special assessments, but was not hurting us either.)

10/3/22 - BUY $2,500 of VIGAX

10/18/22 - BUY $75 of MSFT

10/18/22 - BUY $50 of AMD

10/18/22 - BUY $50 of GOOG

10/18/22 - BUY $75 of LRCX

10/19/22 - BUY $500 of VIGAX

11/22/22 - BUY $130 of AMD

11/22/22 - BUY $25 of BX

11/22/22 - BUY $50 of MSFT

11/22/22 - BUY $25 of SE

11/22/22 - BUY $20 of PYPL

11/23/22 - BUY $500 of VIGAX

12/20/22 - BUY $65 of AMD

12/20/22 - BUY $50 of MSFT

12/20/22 - BUY $25 of NFLX

12/20/22 - BUY $35 of PYPL

12/20/22 - BUY $25 of TSLA

12/20/22 - BUY $10 of SE

12/21/22 - BUY $300 of VIGAX

1/18/23 - BUY 1 Share of STLD @ $112.00

1/18/23 - BUY 1 Share of BX @ $86.47

1/19/23 - BUY $500 of VIGAX

1/19/23 - Invest $3,000 in 529 College Savings Plan for youngest daughter

2/1/23 - 2 of MSFT @ $246.4257 (Roth IRA)

2/1/23 - 4 of STLD @ $120.74 (Roth IRA)

2/1/23 - 4 of IIPR @ $88.20 (Roth IRA)

2/1/23 - 4 of RIO @ $77.305 (Roth IRA)

2/1/23 - 1 of LRCX @ $513.93 (Roth IRA)

2/1/23 - 4 of AMD @ $80.6698 (Roth IRA)

2/1/23 - 1 of AAPL @ $142.7379 (Roth IRA)

2/1/23 - 1 of MSFT @ $246.615 (Roth IRA)

2/1/23 - 1 of GOOG @ $99.045 (Roth IRA)

2/17/23 - 3 of GOOG @ $94.0576 (Roth (IRA)

2/17/23 - 3 of AMD @ $77.845 (Roth IRA)

2/17/23 - 1 of IIPR @ $87.0805 (Roth IRA)

2/17/23 - 2 of SE @ $64.5929 (Roth IRA)

2/17/23 - 1 of AMD @ $77.825 (Roth IRA)

3/16/23 - 1 of STLD @ $104.38 (Roth IRA)

3/16/23 - 1 of LULU @ $294.45 (Roth IRA)

3/16/23 - 2 of IIPR @ $81.77 (Roth IRA)

3/16/23 - 2 of DIS @ $93.4193 (Roth IRA)

Now, I usually don’t spend money when I can avoid it, but I have been building a pool at my house that is nearly a $100,000 expense, however I know this will add value to the property, while also giving my family something fun to do for free at home without having to pay to do fun things on weekends for years.

Living in Florida, everywhere I have ever lived until now has had a pool, so this was almost a necessity, especially since we had already been investing in swim classes for my kids. This has been the most expensive thing (besides properties) I have ever purchased, and while it’s not necessarily and “asset” by Robert Kiyosaki standards, I believe this pool will save me expenses in the long run paying to go to pools or to do fun things with the family, while also adding a good amount of property value in the event I decide to sell this home (which is doubtful). The pool should be done by the beginning of May and then I’ll have more funds for further investments. I would like to acquire another property at some point this year or early next year, we will see how this goes as there is a lot on the docket at the moment with the business.

Thanks for reading!

Investment Moves Made from March 2022 - August 2022

It has been a while since I have posted and I’m sorry about not keeping in touch as much, but there has been a lot going on in my life personally and professionally. My wife and I are expecting our third child in November and we will have three children under the age of three, including a two year old boy who loves to throw, break stuff and is more or less the energizer bunny all day.

On top of this, we have moved while my wife is pregnant and not just moving our family, but we have opened up a new branch of our construction business in Jupiter, FL. The goal is to show a proof of concept for a new branch, so that eventually we might be able to franchise out throughout the state - it has been a ton of work and I may get into it in a column directly related to running a business, rather than in my personal investment article, which will be detailed below.

One important note on my personal investments in this regard though, is that my new property is on a “farm” more or less and I’m running the new business location out of a separate structure on the property. Commercial real estate has been insanely high all year and we found this path to be the better investment and will be a time saver on driving / commute as well, though there are also many cons of having a business at your personal residence. I’ll likely do a deep dive on this in the above noted article.

It’s been a rough year overall in the stock market, but I’m holding firm in my investments. I have not been buying much as I’ve been more focused on my real estate investments, so I will get into that as we go through the timeline of investment transactions below.

When I invest, I invest long - not for short profit, so I’m just hanging out riding the roller coast and trying my best not to let the down trends affect my emotions (or my emotions affect my trading).

The stock market is historically up about 10% y/y and I’m going to let historical long-term market trends make my decision making for me, rather than short-term emotions. Stay the course people.

3/25/22 - BUY 1 share of PYPL @ $113.60

3/25/22 - BUY $25 of SE, $20 of TSM, $50 of PYPL, $5 of ETH, $5 of BTC

4/12/22 - BUY 2 shares of SE @ $113.05 (Roth IRA)

4/12/22 - BUY 2 shares of PYPL @ $111.48 (Roth IRA)

4/12/22 - BUY 2 shares of NVDA @ $219.81 (Roth IRA)

4/12/22 - BUY 1 share of AAPL @ $168.74 (Roth IRA)

4/18/22 - BUY $50 of SE, $50 of PYPL, $50 of COST, $30 of LRCX, $30 of MSFT, $20 of ETH, $20 of BTC, $10 of AAPL, $10 of MSFT

4/19/22 - BUY $500 of VIGAX (3.6 shares @ $138.90)

4/20/22 - SOLD Rental Townhouse for $399,000 (Details: I made a cash deal direct with the buyer, no realtors after a phone call from a lead in the community. I had purchased this property in Aug. 2016 for $305,000. We had lived in this property 2 / 5 years, so we qualify to pay no capital gains tax on this transaction). New buyer assumed our rental contract, which was not cash flowing due to increased HOA fees and special assessments, but was not hurting us either.)

5/2/22 - BUY $10,000 of VIGAX (76.5 shares @ $130.61)

5/2/22 - BUY 1 Share of COST @ 524.43 (Roth IRA)

5/2/22 - BUY 3 Shares of SE @ $82.29 (Roth IRA)

5/2/22 - BUY 4 Shares of AAPL @ $154.33

5/2/22 - BUY 2 Shares of NVDA @ $187.37

5/2/22 - BUY 2 Shares of PYPL @ $82.29

5/2/22 - BUY 5 Shares of RIO @ $70.09

5/2/22 - BUY 2 Shares of LRCX @ $465.09

5/2/22 - BUY 5 Shares of MSFT @ $280.20

5/4/22 - BUY $100 of TSLA, $100 of SE, $100 of PYPL, $100 of COST

6/22/22 - BUY $10 of SE, $10 of TSLA, $10 of PYPL, $50 of COST, $50 of LRCS, $10 of NVDA, $10 of RIO, $50 of MSFT, $50 of BX, $25 of STLD, $100 of NFLX

8/31/22 - BUY new house for $900,000 (appraisal came in at $920,000 and 30% of the property is for the new branch of the construction business as noted above, so the company pre-paid rent by helping with the down payment, providing 30% of the funds for the property - leaving us with a $600,000 loan and a tad more than $4,000 per month PITI).

9/15/22 - RENTED OUT old house for $5,500 per month. This house has a PITI of about $3,400 per month, plus regular expenses of $95 per month for pool cleaning and $150 per month for landscaping, so before cap ex savings, maintenance savings and vacancy - we are looking at a cash flow of approximately $1,900 per month. We actually rented the home out under market too, it should have rented for closer to $6,000 per month, but we just wanted to get a tenant in there.

Investment Moves Made from October 2021 - February 2022

It’s been a rough few months in the stock market, but I’m holding firm in my investments. When I invest, I invest long - not for short profit, so I’m just hanging out riding the roller coast and trying my best not to let the down trends affect my emotions (or my emotions affect my trading). The market is historically up about 10% y/y and I’m going to let historical long-term market trends make my decision making for me, rather than short-term emotions. Stay the course people.

10/5/21 - BUY $1,000 of VIGAX (6.77 shares @ $147.67)

10/25/21 - BUY $50 of LRCX (0.91 shares @ $522.44)

10/25/21 - BUY $50 of GOOG (0.18 shares @ $2,770.70)

10/25/21 - BUY $50 of AAPL (0.34 shares @ $148.58)

10/25/21 - BUY $20 of RIO (0.30 shares @ $66.89)

10/27/21 - BUY $45 of ETH (0.008 shares @ $4,006.58)

11/10/21 - BUY $200 of TSLA (0.20 shares @ $1,018.85)

11/12/21 - BUY $20 of ETH (0.004 shares @ $4,571.58)

12/3/21 - BUY $100 of SE (0.40 shares @ $243.83)

12/3/21 - BUY $50 of ETSY (0.22 shares @ $225.58)

12/3/21 - BUY $50 of MELI (0.50 shares @ $1,058.90)

12/3/21 - BUY $50 of TSLA (0.50 shares @ $1,012.33)

12/3/21 - BUY $50 of DIS (0.34 shares @ $145.37)

12/4/21 - BUY $100 of BTC (.002 shares @ $49,503.23)

12/16/21 - BUY $100 of BTC (.002 shares @ $48,701.11)

12/16/21 - BUY $50 of ETH (.012 shares @ $4,097.43)

12/16/21 - BUY $500 of VIGAX (3.11 shares @ $164.82)

12/20/21 - BUY $40 of SE (.20 shares @ $204.32)

1/4/22 - BUY 8 shares of SE @ $197.30

1/4/22 - BUY 4 shares of PYPL @ $189.51

1/4/22 - BUY 3 shares of NVDA @ $285.55

1/4/22 - BUY 75 shares of PL @ $5.72

1/4/22 - BUY 20 shares of RKLB @ $11.87

1/14/22 - BUY $50 of SE (.29 shares @ $172.34)

1/14/22 - BUY $25 of ETSY (.15 shares @ $161.47)

1/14/22 - BUY $25 of ETH (.007 shares @ $3,286.86)

1/14/22 - BUY $25 of BTC (.0006 shares @ $42,905.93)

1/14/22 - BUY 3 shares of RKLB @ $10.12

1/19/22 - BUY $500 of VIGAX (3.30 shares @ 151.36)

1/19/22 - BUY 30 oz. of silver

1/24/22 - BUY $25 of SE (.19 shares @ $132.96)

1/24/22 - BUY $30 of ETH (.29 shares @ $2,229.39)

1/24/22 - BUY $30 of BTC (.0009 shares @ $34,338.84)

1/24/22 - BUY $50 of SE (.38 shares @ $132.47)

1/24/22 - BUY $130 of TSLA (.14 shares @ $842.53)

1/28/22 - BUY $60 of SE (.45 shares @ $131.80)

2/15/22 - BUY 1 oz. of gold

Investment Moves Made in August / September 2021

August and September have been a bit volatile thanks to the potential of the US economy hitting the debt ceiling again, which is pretty ridiculous that these people can’t figure out basic concepts like not taking on more debt than you can pay back, or not wasting billions of dollars on military equipment we leave in Afghanistan for what exactly?

Anyway, this isn’t a political blog so we will get right into it. You’ll notice this year I’ve been doing a lot more dollar cost averaging into stocks with partial shares rather than buying full shares thanks to the ease of using Robinhood’s app. At the end of the year we will have a review post on how I’m allocated in the market.

8/2/21 - BUY $1,000 of VIGAX (6.57 shares @ $152.06)

9/2/21 - BUY $50 of LULU (0.13 shares @ $388.01)

9/2/21 - BUY $50 of GOOG (0.02 shares @ $2,898.55)

9/2/21 - BUY $25 of FB (0.07 shares @ $375.00)

9/3/21 - BUY $10 of Ethereum (0.002 ETH @ $3,981.28)

9/7/21 - BUY $25 of LRCX (0.04 shares @ $594.18)

9/7/21 - BUY $25 of ETSY (0.05 shares @ $218.27)

9/10/21 - BUY $80 of SE (0.25 shares @ $324.13)

9/17/21 - BUY 1 share of RIO @ $68.03

9/17/21 - BUY $100 of GOOG (0.35 shares @ $2,825.74)

9/17/21 - BUY $75 of SE (0.22 shares @ $337.99)

9/24/21 - BUY $500 of VIGAX (3.19 shares @ $156.49)

Investment Moves from March 2021 - May 2021 (5/10/21)

I haven’t made any posts in a while, because I’ve been very busy with my one year old and my wife pregnant about to give birth to our second child, but I have been making progress on our networth, which is currently sitting about $600,000 (and I’m age 33, about to turn 34, so my current pace to financial freedom is at 41 based on my calculator to get to about $1.5 million). The more I think about it, the more I would like to get to $1.5 million liquid or rental properties, not including my primary residence within my net worth… so really I’m about $450,000 if I don’t include my primary residence. Which might put me more on target for a retirement at about 45 years old, but we will try to expedite it together here!

Check out all of these moves, starting at the first of the year:

3/2/21 - BUY $250 of MELI (0.154 shares @ $1,620.50)

3/4/21 - BUY $500 of MELI (0.333 shares @ $1,500.36)

3/4/21 - BUY $100 of TSLA (0.154 shares @ $650.34)

3/4/21 - BUY $100 of MELI (0.069 shares @ $1,446.63)

3/4/21 - BUY $50 of TSLA (0.081 shares @ $616.92)

3/16/21 - BUY 1 Share of SE @ $239.91

3/19/21 - BUY $10 of TSLA (0.015 shares @ $648.55)

3/30/21 - BUY $50 of AAPL (0.417 shares @ $120.14)

3/30/21 - BUY $100 of MELI (0.070 shares @ $1,426.70)

4/5/21 - SELL 17.374 shares of LYB @ $105.32 for $1,829.84

4/5/21 - BUY 4 Shares of ETSY @ $200.85

4/5/21 - BUY 6 Shares of RIO @ $79.01

4/5/21 - BUY $50 of LRCX (0.77 shares @ $646.64)

4/5/21 - BUY 1 Share of DIS @ $189.17

4/5/21 - BUY $50 of MELI (9.33 shares @ $1,478.50)

4/9/21 - BUY 1 Share of DIS @ $186.78

4/9/21 - BUY 1 Share of CRSP @ $114.76

4/9/21 - BUY 2 Shares of RIO @ $79.03

4/9/21 - BUY $50 of TSLA (0.075 shares @ $671.81)

4/12/21 - BUY 1 Share of LULU @ $315.90

4/12/21 - BUY $50 of SE (0.203 @ $246.09)

4/12/21 - BUY $50 of ETSY (0.230 shares @ $217.29)

4/12/21 - BUY 1 Share of DIS @ $186.88

4/12/21 - BUY $50 of LRCX (0.770 shares @ $651.71)

4/12/21 - BUY 2 Shares of RCL @ $86.45

4/12/21 - BUY $50 of MELI (0.032 shares @ $1,565.97)

4/13/21 - BUY 1 Share of LULU @ $323.39

4/13/21 - BUY 1 Share of RCL @ $84.48

4/13/21 - BUY 1 Share of DIS @ $185.11

4/15/21 - BUY $50 of IIPR (0.272 shares @ $183.78)

4/15/21 - BUY $50 of ETSY (0.227 shares @ $220.30)

4/21/21 - BUY 1 Share of DIS @ $182.58

4/21/21 - BUY $50 of ETSY (0.240 shares @ $208.27)

4/23/21 - BUY $50 of LULU (0.147 shares @ $340.07)

4/27/21 - BUY 1 Share of ETSY @ $208.49

4/27/21 - BUY 1 Share of LULU @ $337.63

4/27/21 - BUY 1 Share of IIPR $181.75

4/27/21 - BUY $50 of LRCX (0.078 shares @ $642.72)

4/27/21 - BUY 1 Share of CRSP @ $130.80

4/27/21 - BUY $100 of SE (0.372 shares @ $268.79)

4/27/21 - BUY 1 Share of DIS @ $184.59

4/27/21 - BUY $100 of MELI (0.061 shares @ $1,632.65)

4/27/21 - BUY $25 of TSLA (0.035 shares @ $708.05)

4/27/21 - BUY 1 Share of RCL @ $87.26

4/30/21 - BUY $50 of ETSY (0.246 shares @ $203.28)

4/30/21 - BUY $50 of LULU (0.148 shares @ $338.64)

5/3/21 - BUY 1 Share of LRCX @ $615.06 (ROTH IRA)

5/3/21 - BUY 1 Share of FB @ $322.98 (ROTH IRA)

5/3/21 - BUY 1 Share of AAPL @ $132.45 (ROTH IRA)

5/3/21 - BUY 1 Share of CRSP @ $123.52 (ROTH IRA)

5/3/21 - BUY 1 Share of ETSY @ $193.04

5/3/21 - BUY $150 of LULU (0.450 shares @ $333.15)

5/3/21 - BUY $100 of TSLA (0.146 shares @ $684.88)

5/3/21 - BUY 1 Share of CRSP @ $123.66

5/3/21 - BUY 1 Share of FB @ $322.81

5/3/21 - BUY $300 of LRCX (0.0488 shares @ $615.23)

5/3/21 - BUY 1 Share of DIS @ $185.92

5/3/21 - BUY $100 of AMZN (0.029 shares @ $3,394.09)

5/3/21 - BUY $25 of SE (0.098 shares @ $256.40)

5/4/21 - BUY 1 Share of AAPL @ $126.80

5/4/21 - BUY $100 of SE (0.416 shares @ $240.45)

5/4/21 - BUY $50 of TSLA (0.075 shares @ $665.23)

5/4/21 - BUY $50 of GOOG (0.022 shares @ $2,319.11)

5/4/21 - BUY $25 of MELI (0.017 shares @ $1,517.08)

5/6/21 - BUY 3 Shares of ETSY @ $157.76

5/6/21 - BUY $50 of MELI (0.034 shares @ $1,475.07)

5/7/21 - BUY $25 of TSLA (0.015 shares @ $672.40)

5/7/21 - BUY $10 of SE (0.041 shares @ $242.42)

5/7/21 - BUY $10 of MELI (0.007 shares @ $1,477.76)

5/10/21 - BUY $10 of AAPL (0.078 shares @ $127.84)

5/10/21 - BUY $10 of SE (0.045 shares @ $223.17)

5/10/21 - BUY $25 of TSLA (0.039 shares @ $634.41)

5/10/21 - BUY $20 of MELI (0.014 shares @ $1,396.26)

5/12/21 - BUY $50 of LRCX (0.089 shares @ $563.66)

5/12/21 - BUY $10 of MELI (0.008 shares @ $1,305.31)

5/12/21 - BUY $10 of TSLA (0.017 shares @ $597.84)

5/12/21 - BUY $10 of ETSY (0.062 shares @ $160.41)

5/12/21 - BUY $5 of AAPL (0.041 shares @ $122.46)

5/12/21 - BUY $10 of LRCX (0.018 shares @ $561.64)

5/12/21 - BUY $10 of AMZN (0.003 shares @ $3,151.59)

5/12/21 - BUY $5 of TSLA (0.008 shares @ $599.52)

5/12/21 - BUY $5 of LULU (0.016 shares @ $307.54)

5/13/21 - BUY $10 of TSLA (0.017 shares @ $576.90)

5/13/21 - BUY $5 of MELI (0.004 shares @ $1,291.32)

5/13/21 - BUY $5 of SE (0.024 shares @ $205.34)

5/13/21 - BUY $5 of ETSY (0.032 shares @ $157.70)

5/14/21 - BUY $25 of DIS (0.145 shares @ $171.09)

5/14/21 - BUY $5 of TSL (0.009 shares @ $587.48)

5/14/21 - BUY $5 of MELI (0.004 shares @ $1,317.87)

5/14/21 - BUY $5 of LRCX (0.008 shares @ $606.80)

5/14/21 - BUY $5 of SE (0.023 shares @ $216.54)

5/24/21 - BUY $20 of ETSY (0.120 shares @ $166.16)

5/24/21 - BUY $10 of TSLA (0.017 shares @ $587.99)

5/24/21 - BUY $10 of LULU (0.032 shares @ $316.80)

5/24/21 - BUY $10 of DIS (0.058 shares @ $173.91)

5/24/21 - BUY $10 of SE (0.039 shares @ $253.61)

5/26/21 - BUY $20 of SE (0.080 shares @ $250.10)

6/18/21 - BUY $30 of DIS (0.174 shares @ $172.16)

6/18/21 - BUY $50 of SE (0.178 shares @ $282.04)

6/18/21 - BUY $10 of RIO (0.123 shares @ $81.22)

6/18/21 - BUY $10 of FB (0.030 shares @ $330.91)

6/18/21 - BUY $20 of ETSY (0.120 shares @ $168.08)

6/18/21 - BUY $5 of IIPR (0.027 shares @ $185.05)

6/18/21 - BUY $5 of CRSP (0.040 shares @ $125.65)

6/18/21 - BUY $5 of LULU (0.014 shares @ $347.75)

6/18/21 - BUY $20 of LRXC (0.033 shares @ $612.58)

6/21/21 - BUY $20 of SE (0.072 shares @ $277.19)

6/23/21 - BUY $20 of DIS (0.115 shares @ $173.51)

6/23/21 - BUY $50 of SE (0.176 shares @ $283.50)

7/21/21 - BUY $50 of ETSY (0.256 shares @ $195.31)

7/21/21 - BUY $50 of DIS (0.282 shares @ $176.89)

7/21/21 - BUY $50 of LULU (0.130 shares @ $383.54)

7/21/21 - BUY $50 of LRCX (0.079 shares @ $636.98)

7/21/21 - BUY $30 of SE (0.102 shares @ $294.99)

7/21/21 - BUY $10 of RCL (0.127 shares @ $78.86)

7/26/21 - BUY $50 of SE (0.175 shares @ $288.60)

7/26/21 - BUY $15 of LULU (0.037 shares @ $393.72)

7/26/21 - BUY $10 of LRCX (0.016 shares @ $638.53)

7/27/21 - BUY $35 of SE (0.129 shares @ $271.89)

7/27/21 - BUY $50 of ETSY (0.271 shares @ $184.28)

Investment Moves Made in January / February 2021

I made a ton of stock purchases the last two months, mostly maxing out my wife and my Roth-IRAs, but also some RobinHood purchases (including getting boned at the back end of the Game Stop trend).

Check out all of these moves, starting at the first of the year:

1/8/21 - BUY 10 Shares of IIPR @ $175.39 (ROTH IRA)

1/8/21 - BUY 10 Shares of SE @ $209.80 (ROTH IRA)

1/8/21 - BUY 5 Shares of CRSP @ $193.10 (ROTH IRA)

1/19/21 - BUY 4 Shares of OKTA @ $254 (ROTH IRA)

1/19/21 - BUY 5 Shares of IIPR @ $185.04 (ROTH IRA)

1/19/21 - BUY 5 Shares of SE @ $228.02 (ROTH IRA)

1/19/21 - BUY 3 Shares of AAPL @ $127.13 (ROTH IRA)

1/19/21 - BUY 3 Shares of TSM @ 132.20 (ROTH IRA)

1/19/21 - BUY 1 Share of VOOG @ $228.26 (ROTH IRA)

1/19/21 - BUY $500 of VIGAX

1/19/21 - BUY $50 of AMZN (0.016 shares @ $3,102.89)

1/29/21 - BUY 2 Shares of GME @ $329.73

1/29/21 - BUY 1 Share of AAPL @ $131.23

1/29/21 - BUY $200 of MELI (0.114 shares @ $1,760.15)

2/1/21 - SELL 23 Shares of MU @ $78.85 (ROTH IRA)

2/1/21 - BUY 2 Shares of LRCX @ $489.87 (ROTH IRA)

2/1/21 - BUY 1 Share of AAPL @ $133.59 (ROTH IRA)

2/1/21 - BUY 5 Shares of ETSY @ $198.59 (ROTH IRA)

2/1/21 - BUY 1 Share of MELI @ $1,865 (ROTH IRA)

2/3/21 - TRAILING STOP SELL 2 Shares of GME @ $77.78

2/5/21 - BUY 1 Share of SEDG @ $301.23

2/17/21 - BUY $500 of VIGAX

2/18/21 - BUY $250 of MELI (.0133 shares @ $1,882.09)

2/23/21 - BUY $300 of TSLA (0.454 shares @ $660.39)

2/23/21 - BUY 1 Share of SE @ $238.66

2/25/21 - BUY 2 Shares of IIPR @ $185.97


I obviously lost a good amount of money on the GME roller coaster very quickly and got out too late, but at least turned it into something long. I’m happy with my dollar cost averaging into some of my favorite long stocks like IIPR, AAPL, SE and MELI.

I really like the price I got on my TSLA and actually wish I bought in some more with at least 2 shares. I hadn’t been in on TSLA for a while - when my Solar City merged. They’re finally turning into a profitable business, so that interests me - not so much in TSLA as a car company, but TSLA as an energy company. You can’t deny the pull of Elon.

Investment Moves Made from Sept. 2020 - Christmas 2020.

I haven’t written since August for a multitude of reasons, from refinancing my former STR house and now living in it as my primary residence to due COVID, to raising a baby and also to trying to navigate a difficult time in my business (lack of cashflow due to lawsuits and liens we have had to place thanks to non-payment… ie: South Florida people being South Florida people).

So backtracking to the refinance, it was completed in October after about a month of waiting. My wife and I did roll another $60,000 into the house in order to hit a 2.75% finance rate (my broker told me it was his second lowest rate on a loan ever) and also to get my monthly payments down to a more manageable $3,200 per month from $4,200 per month. Still a lot of money, more than I had planning on spending on my personal residence for a long time, but COVID changed many a life plan.

So to get into the investments and money moves made, I’m going to rewind back to September.

9/18/20 - BUY $500 of VIGAX

9/19/20 - BUY 2 Shares of AAPL @ $106.75

10/9/20 - SELL $30,000 of VIGAX (for refinance)

11/10/20 - BUY $1,000 of MELI (0.794 shares @ $1,259.40)

11/18/20 - BUY 1 Share of AAPL @ $118.26

11/18/20 - BUY $284.62 of AMZN (0.092 shares @ $3,105.71)

11/19/20 - BUY $2,500 of VIGAX

11/23/20 - BUY $1,500 of VIGAX (received a check back from the refinance for pre-paids)

11/25/20 - BUY 1 Share of OKTA @ $237.45

11/25/20 - BUY 2 Shares of SE @ $176.34

11/25/20 - BUY 1 Share of DIS @ $148.74

11/25/20 - BUY 1 Share of IIPR @ $154.53

11/26/20 - BUY $350 of AMZN (0.11 shares @ $3,176.50)

12/7/20 - SELL 10 Shares of MU @ $71.90

12/7/20 - SELL 10 Shares of MU @ $72.18

12/7/20 - BUY $500 of MELI (0.316 shares @ $1,581.16)

12/7/20 - BUY 1 Share of SE @ $197.52

12/7/20 - BUY 1 Share of CRSP @ $144.62

12/7/20 - BUY 1 Share of IIPR @ $154.82

12/18/20 - BUY $500 of VIGAX

12/23/20 - BUY $500 of MELI (0.297 shares @ $1,686.19)


In total I ended up buying the following stocks / shares during this period.

1.84 Shares of MELI (avg. cost $1,361.84) for a total return of $603.29 (24.1%)

3 Shares of AAPL (avg. cost $110.59) for a total return of $63.90 (19.3%)

0.20 Shares of AMZN (avg. cost $3,144.36) for a total return of $5.38 (0.85%)

1 Share of OKTA ($237.45) for a total return of $38.15 (16.1%)

3 Shares of SE (avg. cost $183.40) for a total return of $29.31 (5.3%)

1 Share of DIS ($148.74) for a total return of $24.99 (16.8%)

1 Share of CRSP ($144.62) for a total return of $24.78 (17.1%)

1 Share of IIPR ($154.82) for a total return of $34.40 (22.2%)

—-to compare the S&P 500 Index return since 9/1/20 is 5.15%

Investment Moves Made in July / Aug. 2020

I have two months of ground to make up here… it’s been a wild one, even though it might seem slow, because I found a renter for one of my houses.

My townhouse has a mortgage of $1,900.58 and an HOA of $1,785 per quarter ($595 per month), therefore, our house costs $2,495.58 per month. We found a renter for $2,500 per month for the next year to help cover expenses, since COVID has made it difficult to sell (we had the house listed at $355,000). We will see how we can move this property into other assets next year.

Besides finding our renter, we didn’t make many moves, but this is what we did do:

7/9/20 - BUY 2 Shares of LRCS @ $333.03

7/31/20 - BUY $1,000 (0.684) Shares of GOOG

You can see I did my first fractional share investing move back in July. I did another at the beginning of September you will have to check back on.

I’m additionally looking at rolling about $60,000 from my savings and Vanguard accounts back into our new house to get the monthly payment down and am negotiating a rate of 2.75% - which I’m very happy with.

Investment Moves Made in June 2020

In March, I wrote an article about how to invest calmly and collectively in uncertain times. I recommend starting here and reading my 5 tips for how to invest during the COVID shut-down.

Due to COVID, we have decided to halt our short-term rental business and get off the platform of AirBnB. They really screwed us by cancelling our reservations without our permission, not providing us a grant even though we were Superhosts and they were supposed to and the city is still not allowing short term rentals into July. Therefore we moved into our house we were using as an STR and are now looking to sell our rent out our other home.

It’s been on the market now for about 5 weeks and we received a couple of lowball offers to rent and to sell. I’ll update on the progress when something substantial comes along.

Here are the investment moves I made in June:

6/12/20 - BUY 1 Share of GOOG @ $1,397.72

6/12/20 - BUY 2 Shares of DIS @ $114.85

6/12/20 - BUY 4 Shares of OKTA @ $178.00

6/12/20 - BUY 2 Shares of V @ $190.63

6/12/20 - BUY 2 Shares of CRSP @ $59.44

6/23/20 - BUY 2 Shares of DIS @ $116.53

6/23/20 - $600 added of VOOG (Roth IRA)

6/24/20 - $750 added to VIGAX (Vanguard Index)

Those are the only moves I made in June and to date, they all have performed well.

Investment Moves Made in May 2020

In March, I wrote an article about how to invest calmly and collectively in uncertain times. I recommend starting here and reading my 5 tips for how to invest during the COVID shut-down.

Two of my tips from my March article really helped me get some good buys and average down some positions to nice numbers before the big market rise the past few weeks. The first tip was to not panic sell and the second was to dollar cost average. I didn’t sell anything in the down market, but actually regret dollar cost averaging in some instances because if I had thrown my entire cash hoard at the market in early May, I would be doing even better - however this discipline allowed me to make some good moves and hindsight is 20/20.

Anywhere forward to the moves:

5/1/20 - 2 Shares of DIS @ $104.85

5/1/20 - 1 Share of BA @ $134.80

5/4/20 - 4 Shares of DIS @ $102.23

5/4/20 - 10 Shares of IIPR @ $75.44

5/4/20 - 10 Shares of SE @ $54.87

5/4/20 - 1 Share of MELI @ $604.88

5/5/20 - 2 Shares of DIS @ $101.76

5/7/20 - 4 Shares of IIPR @ $75.63

5/19/20 - $600 in VIGAX

Investment Moves Made in April 2020

Last month I wrote an article about how to invest calmly and collectively in uncertain times. I recommend starting here and reading my 5 tips for how to invest during the COVID shut-down.

On 4/6/20, I placed a number of purchase limit orders, but only two of them actually went through.

4/6/20 - I purchased 4 shares of OKTA for $124.00.

4/8/20 - I purchased 4 shares of DIS for $99.90.

I missed out on some growth amongst a few other purchase limit orders, because my I was trying to purchase too low, but these are the limit orders I missed out on from 4/6:

1 share of GOOG for $1,150.

2 shares of FB for $159.

2 shares of ADBE for $299.

2 shares of AAPL for $245.

8 shares of SBUX for $65.

All of these had some significant growth and there is a chance we may bet a small sell off this upcoming week (week of 5/4).

I made some other purchases later in the month:

4/15/20 - I purchased 1 share of STZ for $160.24.

4/16/20 - I purchased 1 share of DIS for $101.46.

4/21/20 - I purchased 1 share of DIS for $100.71 and 1 share of STZ for $153.37.

4/22/20 - I purchased 1 share of DIS for $101.19 and 1 share of STZ for $154.77.

I transferred $10,000 of my 2020 Q1 commission income into an online savings account, as cash-on-hand right now is much more important in these uncertain times.

My current investments are broken down this way, with rough estimates on the real estate values, rounding up to whole dollars and the percentage of my stock portfolio in parentheses for individual stocks:

-AirBnB property: $81,600

-Personal home: $78,700

-Cash: $72,500

-VIGAX: $47,565

-401K: $15,500

-AAPL: $13,800 (21%)

-GOOG: $9,245 (14%)

-AMZN: $9,084 (14%)

-FB: $8,517 (13%)

-STZ: $6,399 (10%)

-DIS: $6,339 (9%)

-VOOG: $5,097

-VOO: $4,811

-V: $2,457 (4%)

-BA: $2,275 (3%)

-NOSIX: $1,960

-MU: $1,941 (3%)

-LRCX: $1,888 (3%)

-ADBE: $1,718 (3%)

-NVDA: $1,700 (3%)

-LYB: $938 (1%)

-DTD: $902

-OKTA: $595 (1%)

-CRSP: $98 (<1%)

Top 5 COVID-19 Tips and March Moves

I’m going to go off record a bit here and tell you how I am handling the shut downs, the panic, etc… and how I believe you should as well. Here are my Top 5 Tips for how to deal with COVID-19, how to keep your money (or make more) and how to stay sane.

  1. Stay Healthy - Do your best to keep up your fitness, do cardio outside (not in groups), build a home gym, eat healthy - home cooked meals. Move, don’t sit around watching Netflix all day. I built a gym in my garage by buying a bar set, bench and some dumbbells. I’m able to do most of my regular gym workouts thanks to the garage gym. I also have been paddle boarding, going on walks with my wife and newborn and still working outside (with PPE).

  2. Wear PPE in Public - Wear a mask or hoo-rag over your face. Wear gloves. Use hand sanitizer and wash your hands well and frequently.

  3. Don’t Panic Sell - Don’t sell your long-term investments, unless you are close to retirement age. Hold steady. Be disciplined. Don’t freak out.

  4. Dollar Cost Average - Keep investing, don’t stop. Maintain your regular investments, just find good companies to invest, think tech, bio-tech, cloud stocks and essentials that will weather the storm.

  5. PPP Loans and Mortgage Assistance - If you have a company (small business), look into PPP loans that will cover your essential payroll and keep people employed. If you are a real estate investor like me, contact your lender to see if you can get mortgage assistance (like deferment). Also, you can get a disaster relief loan for $10,000 that is forgivable if used to keep employees on the payroll.

Now, for my investments, like most people, look like crap in March 2020.

3/6/2020 - I purchased 2 shares of DIS @ $112.50 and 1 share of V @ $181.91.

3/9/2020 - I purchased 1 share of BA @ $233.77, 2 shares of CRSP @ $45.95, 1 share of STZ @ $167.95 and 2 shares of DIS @ $107.69.

You could say I was trying to catch a falling knife with these investments, but they are all companies I like long term and I was looking to buy them on some good opportunity - I keep trying and I believe long-term all these trades will turn out.

3/11/2020 - I purchased 1 share of DIS @ $103.16.

3/12/2020 - I purchased 1 share of DIS @ $93.31, another at $92.54 and 1 share of FB @ $157.56.

3/17/2020 - I purchased 1 share of DIS @ $92.53, another at $92.29 and 1 share of V @ $156.71.

3/18/2020 - I purchased 1 share of BA @ $99.46 and 1 share of DIS @ $82.74.

3/23/2020 - I purchased 1 share of AAPL @ $225 and 2 shares of DIS @ $84.45.

Since 3/11, I’m up on all of these moves, but have not recouped completely. I was actually hoping to buy more this first week of April, but stocks have been up every day and have not provided a good opportunity from my perspective.

Keep your head, up the world will keep on spinning. Stay safe.

Investments Moves Made in February 2020

This month was a rough one on the portfolio thanks to the Coronavirus fears really tanking the market the last two weeks of the month. The last week of February was the worst week in the stock market since the recession, but I tried to use some of the dips to the advantage of my long-term portfolio. You never know when the bottom will come, so my strategy in dips is to just dollar cost average when I see good opportunity.

I made the first move of the month on 2/3/20, which was a pre-planned dollar cost average into my index fund account (from my commissions made via Q4, 2019), which I plan to later use on a third home. I simply invested $2,000 into my preferred Vanguard index funds (VIGAX).

I didn’t make another move until mid-month, because in my mind the market was too inflated. The next move was on 2/18/20, when I did a monthly dollar cost average of $850 into VIGAX again:

On 2/21/20 I noticed some market weakness, a slight pullback (the first from the Coronavirus). At the time I didn’t know the market would tank of the next week, but I did try to take advantage with a couple small purchases I saw as a bargain at the time from the pullback. I did have about $800 cash in my Robinhood stock account at the time and was trying to put it into play.

BUY - 1 share of FB @ $209.69

BUY - 1 share of DIS @ $138.75

On 2/26/20 the market had tanked the last two days and I heard Jim Cramer on his show say to start buying a little bit of the stocks you like at this point. I know a lot of people are thinking, why buy Disney, they are going to see a decline in park attendance due to the Coronavirus, but this stock had the biggest pullback of all my current stocks at the time and I think the Disney Plus subscriptions could counter the losses from park attendance. I also issued another $2,000 in my Vanguard index fund, as planned from my Q4 2018 commissions. I had planned to put this money in first week of March, but decided to send it a week early trying to time a market bottom.

BUY - 2 shares of DIS @ $127.82

On 2/28/19, I saw some market weakness, still had about $400 in cash to play with and added some additional funds to buy some stocks I like at really good prices:

BUY - 4 shares of DIS @ 115.59

BUY - 2 shares of V @ $176.60

BUY - 1 share of AAPL @ $265.68

As noted above, I think Disney Plus will offset the losses from park attendance. On Visa, this stock has been a beast for decades, I want to buy this stock on any pullback. Coronavirus won’t stop people from making transactions online. I also took the opportunity to buy a stock I love in Apple on a huge pullback. Maybe they will lose some money short-term on sales in China, but Apple is a long-term buy for me, as are all of these investments.

Investment Moves Made in January 2020

I added to three different accounts this month.

The first move I made for the year (after netting a nice commission check at the start of the year) was to max out my Roth IRA for 2020. I contributed the maximum $6,000 and slowly began adding stocks.

In my Roth account I executed a sell order of BUFTX on 1/4/20 (a mutual fund I had been holding at the behest of my dad - who knows nothing about stocks, but neither did I when I first started investing). A sold my entire share, giving me further purchasing power.

On 1/6/20, once my contribution hit the account I made the following moves:

BUY - 5 shares of DIS @ $145.11

BUY - 2 shares of V @ $188.05

BUY - 1 share of ADBE @ $332.75

BUY - 2 shares of AAPL @ $299.70

BUY - 2 shares of STZ @ $190.63

The next day (1/7) I made a few more purchases:
BUY - 1 share of GOOG @ $1,395.00

SELL (limit order) - 10 shares of MU @ $60.00

On 1/9/20 Disney began to start falling some and I think it’s a great buy at the current levels:

BUY - 3 shares of DIS @ $142.95

On 1/15/20 it was announced the Boeing plane that went down in Iran was shot down, not a crash, so I expected a nice rebound in the stock. I see this is a long play:

BUY - 1 share of BA @ $329.99

BUY - 2 shares of VOO (S&P 500 index)

On 1/30/20 I saw a nice window for some more DIS after the Corona Virus scare:

BUY - 2 shares of DIS @ $135.43

I still have about $1,800 in cash in the account, which I’m reserving for a drop in GOOG.

I also scheduled dollar cost averaging of my commissions into a Vanguard Growth Index fund account, I’m saving up in this account for a new property.

This is how I scheduled these investments out:

1/9/20 - $3,000

1/13/20 - $2,500

1/16/20 - $2,000

1/31/20 - $2,000

In my regular mad money stock trading account on RobinHood, I didn’t add any funds, but I did have a limit sell order from MU, which set off and resulted in some additional purchases.

1/7/20 - SELL (limit) - 20 shares of MU at $60 (netting $1,200)

1/28/20 - BUY - 1 share of DIS @ $137.72

1/30/20 - BUY - 1 share of STZ @ $190.97

1/30/20 - BUY - 2 DIS @ $135.62

1/31/20 - BUY - 1 FB @ $202.12

Investments as of January 2020

The first investment I make every month is my 401K through my full-time employer. My employer offers a maximum of a 5% / 4% match on 401K and I max out up to that match before investing in other, better investments.

My current 401K balance sits at $16,194.26 with a 24.76% return on the year.

The way my current 401K is divided is as following:

40% Charles Schwab S&P 500 Index

20% Vanguard Growth and Income

15% Vanguard Equity Income

15% Vanguard Midcap Index

10% Vanguard International Explorer

The next investment I make after my automatic 401K through my employer is I max out my Roth IRA.

My Roth IRA has $35,902.51 in it.

The portfolio breakdown is as follows:

15.45 shares of AAPL

4 shares of AMZN

2 shares of BA

25.54 shares of BUFTX (sold now that I can without commission fees)

1.02 shares of DIS

10.54 shares of DTD

12 shares of FB

4 shares of GOOG

33 shares of MU

60 shares of NOSIX

6.18 shares of STZ

11.42 shares of VOO

26.53 shares of VOOG

After my Roth IRA is paid, I max out my wife’s Roth IRA. Her Roth currently sits at $6,771.25.

The portfolio breakdown is:

4 shares of ADBE

8 shares of DIS

4 shares of FB

1 share of GOOG

4 shares of VOO

5 shares of VOOG

The next thing I do in my regular investments is I dollar cost average a $650 monthly investment in my Vanguard Index funds.

368.67 shares of VIGAX for a total of $34,846.97

I plan to use these funds on a future real estate acquisition, which will be a personal home for my family and my current home will be turned into a rental property.

I additionally have a stock investing account through Robinhood which currently sits at $32,079.88 with a total return of 42.95% on the year.

The portfolio breakdown is as follows:

28 shares of AAPL

40 shares of MU

11 shares of BA

23 shares of FB

26 shares of STZ

6 shares of NVDA

17 shares of LYB

1 share of ZNGA

8 shares of V

8 shares of LRCX

9 shares of DIS

In addition to these paper investments, I keep a 3 month reserve of cash funds in an online savings account for emergencies.

Now for real estate investments, we currently have two homes. The first we are currently living in, but will become a rental within the next year when we purchase our next home. The second is a luxury AirBnB home in Fort Lauderdale, FL.

My current home was purchased for $305,000 in 2016 with a 5% down payment (around $15,000 down) and another $5,000 or so in closing costs. The home value is currently estimated by my lender at $355,000 (not including new floors and impact windows I installed for approximately $25,000). The current estimated equity in my home by my lender is $83,934. We will soon be turning this into a rental property, which should cash flow somewhere between $200 - $600 per month after expenses - which is a wide range, but I haven’t researched enough to narrow this number down to a realistic level.

The AirBnB home was purchased for $650,000 in 2018 with a 25% down payment (around $162,500 down) and another $18,000 or so in closing costs. I have a partner on this deal, I put down 25% of the upfront costs and he put down 75% of the upfront costs, after which I would have 40% equity and he would have 60% equity, since my wife and I manage the property, conducted the renovations and purchase / built the furniture for the home.

To prepare the home for short term rental, we had to spend $19,000 in renovations and repairs and another $20,000 on furniture, bringing our upfront investment to approximately $220,000.

On the year, we have actually lost about $7,000 in cash flow having to pay a mortgage payment ($3,850) in January 2019 as we renovated the property and we had to cover two partial mortgage payment in June and November, as we had too high of vacancy. Unfortunately, when I did my initial research I was looking at vacancy rates in high season in South Florida (late October - early April) and was not aware of the seasonality for hotels / short term rentals. I estimated about 60% occupancy on the home, but we have only been achieving about 48% which is why we have not been cash flowing on the property as of yet. My original goal was to give the property 2-3 years to see if it works and if not, we can always flip the home based on our renovations and appreciation.

A CMA (Comparative Market Analysis) in the area shows the following:

$686,500 (sold Nov. 2019), higher details than our property, but smaller yard, worse neighborhood

$637,000 (sold Oct. 2019), less nice, much smaller yard

$850,000 (sold Dec. 2019), bigger home (extra BR and 1/2 BA), but smaller yard & worse location (subtract $75,000 for BR & BA in CMA)

$741,500 (sold Nov. 2018) , similar home (finer details), smaller home and yard

$660,000 (sold Oct. 2018), not as nice, much smaller yard

CMA - $700,000

Redfin Estimate - $675,551

Zillow Estimate - $663,396

According to these estimates the property has increased somewhere between $13,000 - $50,000 since we purchased it a year ago, or an average of about $30,000. This covers the $7,000 in cash flow losses, but would not justify a sale in consideration of closing costs. If the property maintains this appreciation against cash flow losses, we would likely break even just holding the property for three years before flipping, but for a profitable exchange for the cash outlay we put down (at least 6%), we would need to hold the property for at least 6 years. Perhaps our vacancy rates will rise this upcoming year after some price fine-tuning, it’s an experiment and we will see where it leads.

Estimated equity in the home is around $190,000 and as 40% owner, I’m looking at about $76,000 tied up currently in the property.

Therefore I have a total of about $160,000 in net worth tied up into two properties, around $58,000 in retirement accounts, $67,000 in liquid index and stock accounts and another $40,000 or so currently in cash, putting my current net worth around $325,000. According to the 4% rule, once our primary home is paid off we will be living off around $35,000 per year at today’s rate of exchange, which means we need around $900,000 to draw from. A safe net worth target for financial independence for my wife and I would be around $1.5 million.