The Four-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris

  • Reality is negotiable

  • DEAL

    • D- Definition:  Explains the new rich recipe (NR) and lifestyle design (LD).

    • E- Elimination:  Eliminate obsolete time management tools.

      • Cultivate selective ignorance.

        • Ignore the unimportant.

      • Time is greater than money.

    • A- Automation:  Passive income - cash flow on autopilot.

    • L- Liberation:  Mini-retirements

      • Global mobility - work from anywhere.

      • Retirement is worst case scenario insurance.

        • The concept of full retirement is flawed - who wants to sit around doing nothing.

  • “Someday” is a disease that will take your dreams to the grave with you.

  • Rules that change the rules:

    • 1. Retirement is the worst case scenario.

    • 2.  Interest and Energy are cyclical.

      • Mini-vacations / retirements

        • 2 months work, 1 month live abroad or intense training.

    • 3.  Less is not laziness (work hours).

    • 4.  The timing is never right.

    • 5.  Ask for forgiveness, not permission.

    • 6.  Emphasize strengths, don’t fix weakness.

    • 7.  Things in excess become their opposite.

    • 8.  Money alone is not the solution to finding happiness.

    • 9.  Relative income (the money you make per hour) is more important than gross income.

    • 10.  Distress = bad, Eustress = good.

      • Eustress:

        • Pushing mental and physical limits / risk taking.

  • NR - It’s not about what you own, but what experiences you own.

    • Becoming part of the NR is about building systems to replace yourself.

  • 80/20 principle… 20% of causes create 80% of problems… 20% of sources create 80% of happiness… etc.

    • 20% of people waste 80% of your time.

  • Practice the art of not finishing (bad things):  ie: don’t finish bad movies, books or articles - saves time.

  • “Don’t suffer fools, or you’ll become one.”

  • Just because you can do things better than your employees, it doesn’t mean that’s how you should be using your time.

  • Ask people when you need something from them, “ is this reasonable.”

    • People don’t want to seem unreasonable.  

  • Automation must be applied to efficient operations.

    • Set up email auto responders.

    • Hire virtual assistants (VA) from India - outsource - simple, time-consuming tasks.

      • When you delegate, make sure the tasks are well-defined.

        • Web research.

        • Follow up with clients.

        • Make payments.

        • Website maintenance / development.

        • Market research.

        • SEO.

    • Only check email once per day at a certain time.

  • Eliminate unimportant tasks before you delegate them.

  • Test markets before you build a business (your muse).

    • You should be able to describe your product in one sentence.

    • “How is it different and why should I buy it?”

    • 8 x 10 times markup on costs, or not worth it.

    • $50 - $200 for a product is the prime price range.

      • Subscription model is even better (monthly or annual fees).

  • How to find your muse?

    • 1.  Product Re-Selling:

      • Buy product wholesale (40% off) and re-sell in a better medium (nice website - do it better).

    • 2.  License a Product:

      • Take someone’s already invented product and build a company out of it.

    • 3.  Create a Product:

      • Information is great - only cost is time - niche blog.

      • What skills are you interested in that you can teach others?

        • Interview experts.

        • Consider problems you have overcome.

  • Steps of the NR

    • 1. Market Selection:

      • Choose something you are or want to be an expert in.

    • 2.  Product Brainstorm:

      • Re-sell product.

      • Buy license for a product.

      • Create a new product, make something better.

    • 3.  Micro-Testing:

      • Test to see if there is a market and demand for the product and what price to come in at.

      • Keep a small inventory.

    • 4.  Rollout and Automation:

      • Streamline the business and set for automation.

      • Auto-orders

      • Auto-payments

      • Outsourcing, etc.

  • Big Problems:

    • 1.  One or two purchase options only.

      • Basic v Premium

      • Giving customers too many options - Keep things simple.

    • 2.  Only one shipping Option:

      • 1 fast method with premium price.

    • 3.  Do not offer Overnight Shipping:

      • Too much work.

    • 4.  Online orders only.

    • 5.  No international shipping.

  • Not all customers are created equal.

    • Look at customers as an equal trading partner.

    • Thin the herd on bad customers.

    • If you offer an excellent product at an acceptable price, it’s an equal trade.

    • Make your customer base an exclusive club.

  • Great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives - passively seeing where life takes them next.

  • Need a systems dependent business, not a people dependent business - franchise!

  • E-Myth:  Work on your business, not in it or for it.