The Modern Spartan Workout Regimen

To many people working out in the gym is just another part of the day, but to me it is THE part of the day to clear my mind, to de-stress, to keep my body limber and to gain strength.  It’s not only about trying to look good and to build glamour muscles to impress the ladies, but the workout is how I meditate. It’s how I bring my mind to neutral to recharge my batteries for the following day.  

Before I get into the actual workout regimen, I want to start off by citing multiple studies in which long distance cardio is proven to be unnecessary when it comes to health - contrary to what many people believe.  High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is the best way to burn fat and from my experience HIIT training with weights is the best way to build lean muscle and increase strength (which is different than sculpting your tris, pecs biceps for looks).  There’s a lot of science behind it like improving VO2 max, hypertrophy, increasing blood flow and a bunch of other crap you can read here, but all you need to know is that it works.

I perform my sets in cycles with no rest moving from one set to the other without looking at my phone, reading texts or emails, sitting on the bench and waiting, etc.  The key is to hop from one set to the other until the cycle is complete, then repeat the cycle with no rest. Most of these workout routines should take between 90 minutes to 120 minutes non-stop with no rest between sets or cycles (except to take an occasional drink of water).  

How many sets per cycle?  Generally I stick to 3-4 sets per cycle (with 3 sets on the isolated lifts and 4 sets on the core lifts).  Each cycle is set with one primary core workout, supported with isolated muscle workouts cycled to avoid soreness as you are alternating muscle groups allowing one to rest while you work another, thus keeping your heart moving, but resting the isolated muscle groups as you cycle through the “super set.”

How many reps to do per set?  The real answer is as many reps as you can on the set.  Shoot for 4-6 from on the first cycle of the super set with increasing weights per super set, going up to a 1-2 set max by the final super set.  Many people will tell you to shoot for 8-12 rep sets, but other studies and my personal experience prove sets with higher weights and less reps build strength at a quicker pace.  

What about pre-workout? How do I get in the zone to workout?  As I mentioned in a previous article, I workout directly after finishing work for the day.  Stopping at home for any reason is a mortal error and quadruples your chances of skipping your workout for the day.  Not to mention the best time of day to workout for maximum gains is between 4 - 6 PM. So don’t hesitate, hit the gym right after work and before you eat any heavy meals.  Eating too much before working out is another mortal error, which can decrease productivity considerably. My go-to move is to eat lunch around 1 PM, maybe eat a handful of almonds or pistachios around 2-3 PM and not eat until after I finish my workout.  Before my workout I usually drink a green tea with a pre-workout (currently Pure Pump) mixed in to give me a boost.  

Enough chatter, what are the workouts?

I have alternated from this current regimen with a pull / push regimen in the past and will often switch-up some of the individual workouts of the order of the workouts, just so my body doesn’t get to used to my regimen and to avoid deep plateaus.  My general weekly regimen looks like this:

Weekly Regimen:

Sunday:  Legs

Monday:  Chest / Arms

Tuesday:  Legs

Wednesday:  Shoulders / Arms

Thursday:  Abs / yoga

Friday:  Back / Arms

Saturday:  Abs / yoga

Now, to get into the specific regimens, this is what my typical legs workout looks like (keep in mind, I often change the order of my workouts to keep my body guessing and each set has a minimum of three sets):  

**remember max out your weight on your final set, start 10-20% below your max. On your first set, then build up to your max weight by your final set.

Standard Leg Workout:


5 minute stretch.

Cycle #1:

Smith machine calf raise using platform (x4 - sets)

Kettlebell swings (x3)

Kettlebell squats (x3)

Cycle #2:  

Smith machine vertical leg press on bench (x4)

Seated leg curls (x3)

Ab scissors on bench (x3)

Ab straight leg raises on bench (x3)

Ab reverse crunch on bench (x3)

Cycle #3:

Squats (x4)

Farmer’s Walks w/ hex bar (x3)

Cycle #4:Barbell lunges (x4)

Hex bar squats (x3)

Cycle #5:

Front squats (x4)

Cable Pull-throughs (x3)

Cycle #6:

Overhead squats (x4)

Decline bench reverse crunches (x3)

Cycle #7:

Romanian deadlifts (deficit) using platform (x4)

Decline bench crunches with 25 lb. weight overhead (x3)

Cycle #8:

Bench barbell glute bridge (x4)

60 second planks (x3)

Cycle #9:

Calf leg presses (x4)

Leg Press (alternate foot stances - x4)

Seated calf raises (x3)

Oblique plate crunches (x3)

Cycle #10

Hamstring leg curl machine (x3)

Side crunches (x3)

Single leg side-press (alternating with cables - x3 per side)

Cool Down:

5 minute bike

15 minute yoga session

Standard Chest Workout:


5 minute stretch.

Cycle #1:

Decline bench press (x4 - sets)

Tricep kickbacks (x3)

One-arm decline bench press (x3)

Weighted (plate) pushups (x3)

Cycle #2:

Flat bench press (normal grip - x4)

Wrist curls (palm up and palm down - x3)

Ab scissors on bench (x3)

Ab straight leg raises on bench (x3)

Ab reverse crunch on bench (x3)

Cycle #3 (drop set, starting at max - drop 5 pounds for 5 cycles):

Flat bench press (close grip)

Standing barbell bicep curls

Flat bench press (underhand / reverse grip)

Cycle #4:

Incline bench press (normal grip - x4)

Zottman / Hammer curls (alternating - x3)

Decline bench reverse crunches (x3)

Plate raises (x3)

Cycle #5:

Dumbell presses (rotational grip x4)

Preacher curls (x3)

Cycle #6:

Decline bench crunches with 25 lb. weight overhead (x3)

Decline chest flies (x3)

Decline skull crushers (x3)

Cycle #7:

Cable flies (x4)

Standing cable bicep curls (duel - x4)

Pull ups (alternating grips - x4)

Cycle #8:

Dips (x4)

One arm cable tricep extensions (x3)

Standing cable woodchoppers (x3)

Cool Down:

5 minute bike

15 minute yoga session

Standard Shoulder Workout:


5 minute stretch.

Cycle #1:

Barbell shoulder press (x4)

Standing dumbbell curls (x4)

Standing shoulder flies (x3)

Zottman / Hammer curls (alternating - x3)

Cycle #2:

Military Press (x4)

Standing barbell curls (x4)

Dumbbell shoulder press (x3)

Sitting bicep curls (x3)

Standing tricep extensions (x3)

Cycle #3:

Behind the neck barbell press (x3)

Decline bench crunches with 25 lb. weight overhead (x3)

Cycle #4:

Reverse barbell curls (x3)

Barbell wrist extensions (x3)

Decline bench reverse crunches (x3)

Cycle #5:

Flat bench press (wide grip - x4)

Dumbbell skull crushers (x3)

Shoulder rolls (x3)

Ab scissors on bench (x3)

Ab straight leg raises on bench (x3)

Ab reverse crunch on bench (x3)

Cycle #6:

EZ bar preacher bench bicep curls (x4)

EZ bar shoulder raises (x3)

Dumbbell preacher bench hammer curls (x4)

Cycle #7:

One arm EZ bar shoulder flies (x4)

Dips (x4)

Forearm bar twists (x4)

Cycle #8:

Standing cable bicep curls (duel - x4)

Pull ups (alternating grips - x4)

Cycle #9:

Forearm reverse cable curls (x3)

Cross-body standing one arm cable flies (x3)

One arm cable tricep extensions (x3)

Standing cable woodchoppers (x3)

Cool Down:

5 minute bike

15 minute yoga session

Standard Back Workout:


5 minute stretch.

Cycle #1:

Weighted back extensions (x3)

Decline bench crunches with 25 lb. weight overhead (x3)

Weighted oblique extensions (x3)

Decline bench reverse crunches (x3)

Cycle #2:

T bar row (x4)

Kettlebell swings (x3)

Kettlebell oblique crunches (x3)

Bottom up kettlebell presses (x3)

Cycle #3:

One arm T bar shoulder press (x3)

Meadows row (x3)

Russian twists w/ medicine ball (x3)

Cycle #4:

Swiss ball prone leg raises (x3)

Swiss ball crunches (x3)

Cycle #5:

Reverse fly machine (x4)

Preacher bench dumbbell bicep curls (x4)

Cable lat pull downs (x4)

Preacher bench dumbbell wrist extensions (x4)

EZ bar lat raises

Cycle #6:

Plate lat pull downs (x4)

Zottman / Hammer curls (alternating - x3)

Cable rope tricep extensions (x3)

Cycle #7:

Standing cable bicep curls (duel - x4)

Pull ups (alternating grips - x4)

Cable rope overhead tricep extensions (x4)

Cable rope face pull (x3)

Cycle #8:

One arm cable lat pulls (x3)

Dips (x4)

One arm cable tricep extensions (x3)

Standing cable woodchoppers (x3)

Cycle #9:

Flat bench press (wide grip - x4)

One arm dumbbell rows (x3)

Barbell skull crushers (x3)

Ab scissors on bench (x3)

Ab straight leg raises on bench (x3)

Ab reverse crunch on bench (x3)

Cycle #10:

Bent-over row (normal grip - x4)

Standing barbell curls (x4)

Reverse bent-over row (x4)

Cycle #11:

Deadlifts (x4)

Reverse barbell curls (x3)

Barbell wrist extensions (x3)

Cool Down:

5 minute bike

15 minute yoga session

To sum up the workouts on my ab and yoga days, I generally swap out some standard yoga exercises I do to stretch out my hips and lower back (which is great for someone who sits at a desk to work way too much) and then I mix into my session a good amount of high intensity ab training for about 30 minutes with no rest.  There are a number of good yoga and ab workout videos on YouTube - remember to keep switching up the workouts for best results.

In the case you are only beginning to lift, please make sure to start with lower weights and work your way up to heavy weights.  Don’t begin lifting for the first time in years trying to lift your max, start small and see where your strength is at before you attempt high weight, low rep lifting as I’m recommending in my workout regimen.  Once you have a basis of where you are at in your training, then you can start pushing the limits.

Additionally, I recommend not trying to take my full routine on from scratch.  This routine is not for the faint of heart. I’ve had plenty of military personnel, professional athletes, etc. tell me my routine is the hardest workout they have ever seen.  One thing to keep in mind is you are in the gym to WORKout, not to socialize, play on your phone, etc. Please maintain proper gym etiquette when working out by avoiding your phone (I personally turn my phone notifications off, then play podcasts while working out), putting your weights away when done (prepping your workouts is only another part of the workout) and by wiping your sweat off equipment with provided gym cleaners or using a gym towel.

Why podcasts?  I prefer podcasts to music in the gym, as it keeps your mind focused and active.  If you can learn while you are working out, then why not keep bettering yourself. I’ve learned a ridiculous amount about investing, health, science, technology and futurism while working out and making my body physically better at the same time.  You may not retain everything you are hearing, but it’s better than listening to the same songs over and over again.

Nothing will change if you don’t take action.  So make a change in your life, make a plan to go to the gym at least 3 times per week and then do it!  The best way to make sure you do it is to make it a part of your workday - don’t go home after work, go straight to the gym.  Once you start going to the gym directly after work, the rest is easy. Happy lifting.