Investment Moves Made in January 2020

I added to three different accounts this month.

The first move I made for the year (after netting a nice commission check at the start of the year) was to max out my Roth IRA for 2020. I contributed the maximum $6,000 and slowly began adding stocks.

In my Roth account I executed a sell order of BUFTX on 1/4/20 (a mutual fund I had been holding at the behest of my dad - who knows nothing about stocks, but neither did I when I first started investing). A sold my entire share, giving me further purchasing power.

On 1/6/20, once my contribution hit the account I made the following moves:

BUY - 5 shares of DIS @ $145.11

BUY - 2 shares of V @ $188.05

BUY - 1 share of ADBE @ $332.75

BUY - 2 shares of AAPL @ $299.70

BUY - 2 shares of STZ @ $190.63

The next day (1/7) I made a few more purchases:
BUY - 1 share of GOOG @ $1,395.00

SELL (limit order) - 10 shares of MU @ $60.00

On 1/9/20 Disney began to start falling some and I think it’s a great buy at the current levels:

BUY - 3 shares of DIS @ $142.95

On 1/15/20 it was announced the Boeing plane that went down in Iran was shot down, not a crash, so I expected a nice rebound in the stock. I see this is a long play:

BUY - 1 share of BA @ $329.99

BUY - 2 shares of VOO (S&P 500 index)

On 1/30/20 I saw a nice window for some more DIS after the Corona Virus scare:

BUY - 2 shares of DIS @ $135.43

I still have about $1,800 in cash in the account, which I’m reserving for a drop in GOOG.

I also scheduled dollar cost averaging of my commissions into a Vanguard Growth Index fund account, I’m saving up in this account for a new property.

This is how I scheduled these investments out:

1/9/20 - $3,000

1/13/20 - $2,500

1/16/20 - $2,000

1/31/20 - $2,000

In my regular mad money stock trading account on RobinHood, I didn’t add any funds, but I did have a limit sell order from MU, which set off and resulted in some additional purchases.

1/7/20 - SELL (limit) - 20 shares of MU at $60 (netting $1,200)

1/28/20 - BUY - 1 share of DIS @ $137.72

1/30/20 - BUY - 1 share of STZ @ $190.97

1/30/20 - BUY - 2 DIS @ $135.62

1/31/20 - BUY - 1 FB @ $202.12