Retire Young Retire Rich by Robert Kiyosaki

The Million Dollar Question:

  • How can I do what I do for more people with less work and for a better price?

  • How to come up with business ideas:

    • How can I become rich by working for free?

    • How can I build, buy and create assets?

  • Wealth Ratio:

    • Monthly Passive Income + Monthly Portfolio Income / Total Monthly Expenses

      • Once you reach 1+, you are out of the rat race.

  • Debt / Equity Ratio:

    • You want to see this number shrink.

  • Metcalfe’s Law:

    • Economic Power is the square root of the number of the network:

      • Ex:  Number of franchises:

        • 2 franchises doubles the power and earnings of the company.

  • Employee Interviews:

    • Don’t ask about benefits, if people do - stay clear.

    • Good candidates - ask how they can help the business grow.

  • How to pay out your business:

    • Who gets paid first and most:

      • 1.  Asset (business or investment)

      • 2.  Employees

      • 3.  Specialists

      • 4.  Investors

      • 5.  Business Owner

    • Work to build the asset, not to make money.

  • Things you NEED to do to become rich:

    • 1.  Hire a bookkeeper:

      • Financial statements are necessary to receive large loans / bonds.

      • Owner should review financials at least once per month.

    • 2.  Create a winning team:

      • Don’t keep money problems or plans a secret, discuss them openly with your team.

      • Borrow money at low interest rates and invest it at a higher return (real estate).

    • 3.  Constantly expand your context and content.

    • 4.  Keep Growing Up:

      • Take care of yourself, don’t assume other will.

      • Don’t assume the market will stay bull.

    • 5.  Be willing to fail more:

      • Destroy fear by thinking of the things you want.

  • Stock Market Advice:

    • Have an Entrance and an Exit Strategy when investing in the stock market.

      • Only a loser stays forever losing everything, instead of knowing when to take a loss and walking away from a bad investment.

    • Investor - buys to hold

    • Trader - buys to sell

      • “An investor buys a cow for milk and for calves; a trader buys a cow to slaughter.”

    • Fundamental Investor:  Follows a company, management team, business potential and finances.

    • Technical Investor:  Follows market trends and charts.

    • Notes:

      • Keep your money moving - don’t buy and hold in stocks.

      • Be your own market - follow market trends.

        • Buy low and sell high.

      • Use saddles - hedge your investments to protect from losses.

      • Place a 10-15% stop loss on your stocks.

        • Don’t leave your stocks naked to a bear market or recession / depression.

      • Large Cap:  Take 25% of your original investment out of stocks when they are up 25% from the original investment.

        • Cramer says to do this when stock doubles.

      • Small Cap:  Take 50% out to recoup original investment when up 50%.


    • Allow you to make more money with less at risk.

      • The rich do NOT want to own anything - they only want to CONTROL.

    • Call Options:

      • If you expect the market to rise.

    • Put Options:

      • If you expect the market to fall or want to stop risk of losing.

        • Lock your price in at the right to sell at the current market rate for a small fee.  If the market goes down use the option to sell, then re-buy your stock at the lower rate - you keep the difference.

    • Straddles / Collars:

      • Using both a call and a put option on a stock to protect an investment both ways.

      • Can straddle a short of a $50 stock buy using a call option for $51 and sell the call option and short at different times. - Make money no matter what this way.

    • SOPHISTICATED INVESTORS:  Prefer to trade options rather than stocks.

      • Faster money and less risk (one option is for 100 shares)

    • Shorts are NOT options.

      • Shorts:  Trading / Selling stock you do NOT own.

      • When to short a stock?

        • If you feel a stock is overvalued and about to drop - short.

      • Borrow someone’s stock, sell it, then re-buy it at the lower point - pocket the difference.  

      • “Covering the short position”

        • Re-buying the stock.

    • Naked Put Options:

      • A naked put option at $40, current price is $45.

        • You get $5 per share covered, but have to buy all the shares at $45 it the naked put drops to $40.

        • If the put option does not drop to $40, you get to keep the $5 per option (remember options are contracts for 100 shares) as it expires within a certain time frame.

        • 85% of naked put options expire without being exercised.

          • Make sure you have the money to cover, just in case.

          • Make sure you like the stock, in case you have to cover.

    • “Naked” - you do not own the stocks you are optioning.

    • “Covered” - you do own the stocks you are optioning.

  • Real Estate:

    • Your profit is made when you buy, not when you sell.

    • Use a home equity loan or reverse mortgage to your advantage.

      • Use this when a house appreciates, to extract money for more investments.

    • RATIOS:  See 100 properties, make an offer on 10 properties, have 3 sellers say yes and buy one.

    • Browse even when you don’t have money - keep learning.  Know the market.

    • Don’t invest in a place with an HOA - not enough control of your investment.

    • Use Price to Rent ratios to find good markets.

  • Rule of 72:

    • 72 / Interest Rate = Annual Growth %

      • How long it takes an investment to double.

  • Marine List of Priorities:

    • Mission

    • Team

    • Individual

  • Believe you will be rich and tell yourself everyday.


    • 1.  Decide:

      •  to be rich and expand your context of reality.

    • 2.  Friends and Family:

      • Surround yourself with only supportive and positive people - no critics.

    • 3.  Team:

      • Build a successful team of assets.

        • People can be assets or liabilities too.

    • 4.  Set a Retirement Date:

      • Discuss with loved ones and advisors - have a plan.

      • Do this meeting quarterly.

    • 5.  Plan:

      • Create a plan - on paper.

        • Update and review the plan as you progress.

    • 6.  Plan your early Retirement Party:

      • Motivation.

    • 7.  Look at One Deal per Day:

      • Read articles about money.

      • Look at stock / options shopping.

      • Look at properties.

      • Got to investment seminars.

      • Boost financial IQ.

    • 8.  Follow Market Trends:

      • Invest with the trend, not for the “long haul.”

        • Better use of funds, strategies base on trends.

        • Money is just an idea.

    • 9.  Words / Vocab is Free:

      • To be rich, must understand the vocab associated with investing.

    • 10.  Talk about Money:

    • 11.  Make a Million Out of Nothing or Virtually Nothing:

      • An entrepreneur can make money out of nothing.

        • Loans

        • Math to make money

        • More work

        • Less expensive