Investment Moves Made from March 2022 - August 2022

It has been a while since I have posted and I’m sorry about not keeping in touch as much, but there has been a lot going on in my life personally and professionally. My wife and I are expecting our third child in November and we will have three children under the age of three, including a two year old boy who loves to throw, break stuff and is more or less the energizer bunny all day.

On top of this, we have moved while my wife is pregnant and not just moving our family, but we have opened up a new branch of our construction business in Jupiter, FL. The goal is to show a proof of concept for a new branch, so that eventually we might be able to franchise out throughout the state - it has been a ton of work and I may get into it in a column directly related to running a business, rather than in my personal investment article, which will be detailed below.

One important note on my personal investments in this regard though, is that my new property is on a “farm” more or less and I’m running the new business location out of a separate structure on the property. Commercial real estate has been insanely high all year and we found this path to be the better investment and will be a time saver on driving / commute as well, though there are also many cons of having a business at your personal residence. I’ll likely do a deep dive on this in the above noted article.

It’s been a rough year overall in the stock market, but I’m holding firm in my investments. I have not been buying much as I’ve been more focused on my real estate investments, so I will get into that as we go through the timeline of investment transactions below.

When I invest, I invest long - not for short profit, so I’m just hanging out riding the roller coast and trying my best not to let the down trends affect my emotions (or my emotions affect my trading).

The stock market is historically up about 10% y/y and I’m going to let historical long-term market trends make my decision making for me, rather than short-term emotions. Stay the course people.

3/25/22 - BUY 1 share of PYPL @ $113.60

3/25/22 - BUY $25 of SE, $20 of TSM, $50 of PYPL, $5 of ETH, $5 of BTC

4/12/22 - BUY 2 shares of SE @ $113.05 (Roth IRA)

4/12/22 - BUY 2 shares of PYPL @ $111.48 (Roth IRA)

4/12/22 - BUY 2 shares of NVDA @ $219.81 (Roth IRA)

4/12/22 - BUY 1 share of AAPL @ $168.74 (Roth IRA)

4/18/22 - BUY $50 of SE, $50 of PYPL, $50 of COST, $30 of LRCX, $30 of MSFT, $20 of ETH, $20 of BTC, $10 of AAPL, $10 of MSFT

4/19/22 - BUY $500 of VIGAX (3.6 shares @ $138.90)

4/20/22 - SOLD Rental Townhouse for $399,000 (Details: I made a cash deal direct with the buyer, no realtors after a phone call from a lead in the community. I had purchased this property in Aug. 2016 for $305,000. We had lived in this property 2 / 5 years, so we qualify to pay no capital gains tax on this transaction). New buyer assumed our rental contract, which was not cash flowing due to increased HOA fees and special assessments, but was not hurting us either.)

5/2/22 - BUY $10,000 of VIGAX (76.5 shares @ $130.61)

5/2/22 - BUY 1 Share of COST @ 524.43 (Roth IRA)

5/2/22 - BUY 3 Shares of SE @ $82.29 (Roth IRA)

5/2/22 - BUY 4 Shares of AAPL @ $154.33

5/2/22 - BUY 2 Shares of NVDA @ $187.37

5/2/22 - BUY 2 Shares of PYPL @ $82.29

5/2/22 - BUY 5 Shares of RIO @ $70.09

5/2/22 - BUY 2 Shares of LRCX @ $465.09

5/2/22 - BUY 5 Shares of MSFT @ $280.20

5/4/22 - BUY $100 of TSLA, $100 of SE, $100 of PYPL, $100 of COST

6/22/22 - BUY $10 of SE, $10 of TSLA, $10 of PYPL, $50 of COST, $50 of LRCS, $10 of NVDA, $10 of RIO, $50 of MSFT, $50 of BX, $25 of STLD, $100 of NFLX

8/31/22 - BUY new house for $900,000 (appraisal came in at $920,000 and 30% of the property is for the new branch of the construction business as noted above, so the company pre-paid rent by helping with the down payment, providing 30% of the funds for the property - leaving us with a $600,000 loan and a tad more than $4,000 per month PITI).

9/15/22 - RENTED OUT old house for $5,500 per month. This house has a PITI of about $3,400 per month, plus regular expenses of $95 per month for pool cleaning and $150 per month for landscaping, so before cap ex savings, maintenance savings and vacancy - we are looking at a cash flow of approximately $1,900 per month. We actually rented the home out under market too, it should have rented for closer to $6,000 per month, but we just wanted to get a tenant in there.