Investment Moves Made from Oct. 2022 - March 2023

Again, it has been some time since my last post with much and more going on. Since my last post, my wife and I have had our third child, a beautiful, healthy girl, we moved our company and I have been establishing business relationships in a new territory with the goal of expanding my business. I also, bought out my business partner who is retired and now own the construction business 100%, while opening another construction business with a couple of trusted partners.

The stock market has been rebounding and I may have made more money had I sold and bought back, but with how busy I have been in the business world, I have not had as much time to track the stock market so my strategy is to hold firm in my investments.

When I invest, I invest long - not for short profit, so I’m just hanging out riding the roller coast and trying my best not to let the down trends affect my emotions (or my emotions affect my trading).

The stock market is historically up about 10% y/y and I’m going to let historical long-term market trends make my decision making for me, rather than short-term emotions. Stay the course people.

3/25/22 - BUY 1 share of PYPL @ $113.60

3/25/22 - BUY $25 of SE, $20 of TSM, $50 of PYPL, $5 of ETH, $5 of BTC

4/12/22 - BUY 2 shares of SE @ $113.05 (Roth IRA)

4/12/22 - BUY 2 shares of PYPL @ $111.48 (Roth IRA)

4/12/22 - BUY 2 shares of NVDA @ $219.81 (Roth IRA)

4/12/22 - BUY 1 share of AAPL @ $168.74 (Roth IRA)

4/18/22 - BUY $50 of SE, $50 of PYPL, $50 of COST, $30 of LRCX, $30 of MSFT, $20 of ETH, $20 of BTC, $10 of AAPL, $10 of MSFT

4/19/22 - BUY $500 of VIGAX (3.6 shares @ $138.90)

4/20/22 - SOLD Rental Townhouse for $399,000 (Details: I made a cash deal direct with the buyer, no realtors after a phone call from a lead in the community. I had purchased this property in Aug. 2016 for $305,000. We had lived in this property 2 / 5 years, so we qualify to pay no capital gains tax on this transaction). New buyer assumed our rental contract, which was not cash flowing due to increased HOA fees and special assessments, but was not hurting us either.)

10/3/22 - BUY $2,500 of VIGAX

10/18/22 - BUY $75 of MSFT

10/18/22 - BUY $50 of AMD

10/18/22 - BUY $50 of GOOG

10/18/22 - BUY $75 of LRCX

10/19/22 - BUY $500 of VIGAX

11/22/22 - BUY $130 of AMD

11/22/22 - BUY $25 of BX

11/22/22 - BUY $50 of MSFT

11/22/22 - BUY $25 of SE

11/22/22 - BUY $20 of PYPL

11/23/22 - BUY $500 of VIGAX

12/20/22 - BUY $65 of AMD

12/20/22 - BUY $50 of MSFT

12/20/22 - BUY $25 of NFLX

12/20/22 - BUY $35 of PYPL

12/20/22 - BUY $25 of TSLA

12/20/22 - BUY $10 of SE

12/21/22 - BUY $300 of VIGAX

1/18/23 - BUY 1 Share of STLD @ $112.00

1/18/23 - BUY 1 Share of BX @ $86.47

1/19/23 - BUY $500 of VIGAX

1/19/23 - Invest $3,000 in 529 College Savings Plan for youngest daughter

2/1/23 - 2 of MSFT @ $246.4257 (Roth IRA)

2/1/23 - 4 of STLD @ $120.74 (Roth IRA)

2/1/23 - 4 of IIPR @ $88.20 (Roth IRA)

2/1/23 - 4 of RIO @ $77.305 (Roth IRA)

2/1/23 - 1 of LRCX @ $513.93 (Roth IRA)

2/1/23 - 4 of AMD @ $80.6698 (Roth IRA)

2/1/23 - 1 of AAPL @ $142.7379 (Roth IRA)

2/1/23 - 1 of MSFT @ $246.615 (Roth IRA)

2/1/23 - 1 of GOOG @ $99.045 (Roth IRA)

2/17/23 - 3 of GOOG @ $94.0576 (Roth (IRA)

2/17/23 - 3 of AMD @ $77.845 (Roth IRA)

2/17/23 - 1 of IIPR @ $87.0805 (Roth IRA)

2/17/23 - 2 of SE @ $64.5929 (Roth IRA)

2/17/23 - 1 of AMD @ $77.825 (Roth IRA)

3/16/23 - 1 of STLD @ $104.38 (Roth IRA)

3/16/23 - 1 of LULU @ $294.45 (Roth IRA)

3/16/23 - 2 of IIPR @ $81.77 (Roth IRA)

3/16/23 - 2 of DIS @ $93.4193 (Roth IRA)

Now, I usually don’t spend money when I can avoid it, but I have been building a pool at my house that is nearly a $100,000 expense, however I know this will add value to the property, while also giving my family something fun to do for free at home without having to pay to do fun things on weekends for years.

Living in Florida, everywhere I have ever lived until now has had a pool, so this was almost a necessity, especially since we had already been investing in swim classes for my kids. This has been the most expensive thing (besides properties) I have ever purchased, and while it’s not necessarily and “asset” by Robert Kiyosaki standards, I believe this pool will save me expenses in the long run paying to go to pools or to do fun things with the family, while also adding a good amount of property value in the event I decide to sell this home (which is doubtful). The pool should be done by the beginning of May and then I’ll have more funds for further investments. I would like to acquire another property at some point this year or early next year, we will see how this goes as there is a lot on the docket at the moment with the business.

Thanks for reading!