Investment Moves Made from Sept. 2020 - Christmas 2020.

I haven’t written since August for a multitude of reasons, from refinancing my former STR house and now living in it as my primary residence to due COVID, to raising a baby and also to trying to navigate a difficult time in my business (lack of cashflow due to lawsuits and liens we have had to place thanks to non-payment… ie: South Florida people being South Florida people).

So backtracking to the refinance, it was completed in October after about a month of waiting. My wife and I did roll another $60,000 into the house in order to hit a 2.75% finance rate (my broker told me it was his second lowest rate on a loan ever) and also to get my monthly payments down to a more manageable $3,200 per month from $4,200 per month. Still a lot of money, more than I had planning on spending on my personal residence for a long time, but COVID changed many a life plan.

So to get into the investments and money moves made, I’m going to rewind back to September.

9/18/20 - BUY $500 of VIGAX

9/19/20 - BUY 2 Shares of AAPL @ $106.75

10/9/20 - SELL $30,000 of VIGAX (for refinance)

11/10/20 - BUY $1,000 of MELI (0.794 shares @ $1,259.40)

11/18/20 - BUY 1 Share of AAPL @ $118.26

11/18/20 - BUY $284.62 of AMZN (0.092 shares @ $3,105.71)

11/19/20 - BUY $2,500 of VIGAX

11/23/20 - BUY $1,500 of VIGAX (received a check back from the refinance for pre-paids)

11/25/20 - BUY 1 Share of OKTA @ $237.45

11/25/20 - BUY 2 Shares of SE @ $176.34

11/25/20 - BUY 1 Share of DIS @ $148.74

11/25/20 - BUY 1 Share of IIPR @ $154.53

11/26/20 - BUY $350 of AMZN (0.11 shares @ $3,176.50)

12/7/20 - SELL 10 Shares of MU @ $71.90

12/7/20 - SELL 10 Shares of MU @ $72.18

12/7/20 - BUY $500 of MELI (0.316 shares @ $1,581.16)

12/7/20 - BUY 1 Share of SE @ $197.52

12/7/20 - BUY 1 Share of CRSP @ $144.62

12/7/20 - BUY 1 Share of IIPR @ $154.82

12/18/20 - BUY $500 of VIGAX

12/23/20 - BUY $500 of MELI (0.297 shares @ $1,686.19)


In total I ended up buying the following stocks / shares during this period.

1.84 Shares of MELI (avg. cost $1,361.84) for a total return of $603.29 (24.1%)

3 Shares of AAPL (avg. cost $110.59) for a total return of $63.90 (19.3%)

0.20 Shares of AMZN (avg. cost $3,144.36) for a total return of $5.38 (0.85%)

1 Share of OKTA ($237.45) for a total return of $38.15 (16.1%)

3 Shares of SE (avg. cost $183.40) for a total return of $29.31 (5.3%)

1 Share of DIS ($148.74) for a total return of $24.99 (16.8%)

1 Share of CRSP ($144.62) for a total return of $24.78 (17.1%)

1 Share of IIPR ($154.82) for a total return of $34.40 (22.2%)

—-to compare the S&P 500 Index return since 9/1/20 is 5.15%