Investment Moves Made in July / Aug. 2020

I have two months of ground to make up here… it’s been a wild one, even though it might seem slow, because I found a renter for one of my houses.

My townhouse has a mortgage of $1,900.58 and an HOA of $1,785 per quarter ($595 per month), therefore, our house costs $2,495.58 per month. We found a renter for $2,500 per month for the next year to help cover expenses, since COVID has made it difficult to sell (we had the house listed at $355,000). We will see how we can move this property into other assets next year.

Besides finding our renter, we didn’t make many moves, but this is what we did do:

7/9/20 - BUY 2 Shares of LRCS @ $333.03

7/31/20 - BUY $1,000 (0.684) Shares of GOOG

You can see I did my first fractional share investing move back in July. I did another at the beginning of September you will have to check back on.

I’m additionally looking at rolling about $60,000 from my savings and Vanguard accounts back into our new house to get the monthly payment down and am negotiating a rate of 2.75% - which I’m very happy with.