Investment Moves Made in April 2020

Last month I wrote an article about how to invest calmly and collectively in uncertain times. I recommend starting here and reading my 5 tips for how to invest during the COVID shut-down.

On 4/6/20, I placed a number of purchase limit orders, but only two of them actually went through.

4/6/20 - I purchased 4 shares of OKTA for $124.00.

4/8/20 - I purchased 4 shares of DIS for $99.90.

I missed out on some growth amongst a few other purchase limit orders, because my I was trying to purchase too low, but these are the limit orders I missed out on from 4/6:

1 share of GOOG for $1,150.

2 shares of FB for $159.

2 shares of ADBE for $299.

2 shares of AAPL for $245.

8 shares of SBUX for $65.

All of these had some significant growth and there is a chance we may bet a small sell off this upcoming week (week of 5/4).

I made some other purchases later in the month:

4/15/20 - I purchased 1 share of STZ for $160.24.

4/16/20 - I purchased 1 share of DIS for $101.46.

4/21/20 - I purchased 1 share of DIS for $100.71 and 1 share of STZ for $153.37.

4/22/20 - I purchased 1 share of DIS for $101.19 and 1 share of STZ for $154.77.

I transferred $10,000 of my 2020 Q1 commission income into an online savings account, as cash-on-hand right now is much more important in these uncertain times.

My current investments are broken down this way, with rough estimates on the real estate values, rounding up to whole dollars and the percentage of my stock portfolio in parentheses for individual stocks:

-AirBnB property: $81,600

-Personal home: $78,700

-Cash: $72,500

-VIGAX: $47,565

-401K: $15,500

-AAPL: $13,800 (21%)

-GOOG: $9,245 (14%)

-AMZN: $9,084 (14%)

-FB: $8,517 (13%)

-STZ: $6,399 (10%)

-DIS: $6,339 (9%)

-VOOG: $5,097

-VOO: $4,811

-V: $2,457 (4%)

-BA: $2,275 (3%)

-NOSIX: $1,960

-MU: $1,941 (3%)

-LRCX: $1,888 (3%)

-ADBE: $1,718 (3%)

-NVDA: $1,700 (3%)

-LYB: $938 (1%)

-DTD: $902

-OKTA: $595 (1%)

-CRSP: $98 (<1%)