Investment Moves Made in May 2020

In March, I wrote an article about how to invest calmly and collectively in uncertain times. I recommend starting here and reading my 5 tips for how to invest during the COVID shut-down.

Two of my tips from my March article really helped me get some good buys and average down some positions to nice numbers before the big market rise the past few weeks. The first tip was to not panic sell and the second was to dollar cost average. I didn’t sell anything in the down market, but actually regret dollar cost averaging in some instances because if I had thrown my entire cash hoard at the market in early May, I would be doing even better - however this discipline allowed me to make some good moves and hindsight is 20/20.

Anywhere forward to the moves:

5/1/20 - 2 Shares of DIS @ $104.85

5/1/20 - 1 Share of BA @ $134.80

5/4/20 - 4 Shares of DIS @ $102.23

5/4/20 - 10 Shares of IIPR @ $75.44

5/4/20 - 10 Shares of SE @ $54.87

5/4/20 - 1 Share of MELI @ $604.88

5/5/20 - 2 Shares of DIS @ $101.76

5/7/20 - 4 Shares of IIPR @ $75.63

5/19/20 - $600 in VIGAX